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Graduates worldwide deserve a special kind of acknowledgement. These resilient graduates experienced success academically during a world crisis. They are magazine worthy! Congratulations! This is a great accomplishment! Get featured free with us! Thanks for allowing us to be a part of this fantastic opportunity!
New York Worldwide Publishers® Graduation-in-Print-2024 is sponsored by New York Worldwide Publishers®, a New York Worldwide Group Corporation® company. We offer an annual special edition magazine feature of graduates worldwide on all grade levels. We realize that graduates, their families, and friends on all levels appreciate everlasting memories. We make this happen for graduates worldwide when graduates, their families, and friends purchase New York Worldwide Publishers® Graduation-in-Print-2024 digital and/or print editions.
Graduates, sign-up now, and ensure that you, your family members, and friends order both digital and print copies of our 2024 issue of New York Worldwide Publishers® Graduation-in-Print-2024. Graduates, sign-up at: www.graduates-in-print.com today!
Visit New York Worldwide Publishers® on Facebook at: www.facebook.com/newyorkworldwidepublishers/ or visit our website at: www.newyorkworldwidepublishers.com. Contact our Corporate Headquarters at 212-NYC-0000. The submission deadline is June 15, 2024, at 11:59pm EST. Place your orders and submission today! Graduates worldwide deserve a special kind of acknowledgement. These graduates experienced success academically during a world crisis.
Graduates worldwide deserve a special kind of acknowledgement. These resilient graduates experienced success academically during a world crisis. They are magazine worthy! Congratulations to these graduates! This is a great accomplishment! Get featured! Thanks for allowing us to be a part of this fantastic opportunity!
If a student is under the age of 18, a parent or guardian must submit this form. The submission of this form constitutes approval for a feature in Graduation-in-Print. The photo must be submitted no later than 11:59 pm Eastern Standard Time on June 15, 2024, but we recommend that students submit photos and place orders a.s.a.p. to ensure a space for their graduation feature in our 2024 special graduation feature.
Being featured in Graduation-in-Print is a very special experience that will be remembered for a lifetime. This is a history-making experience. We realize that students in the Class of 2024 deserve this special opportunity. These resilient students experienced success during a world crisis.
To ensure copies of this special graduation edition, individuals and their families must place orders for print copies of Graduation in Print 2024 special edition now through June 15, 2024. Orders can be placed at www.Graduates-in-Print.com now through June 15, 2024. Digital copies can be placed now through December 31, 2024. Digital copies will be sent electronically to purchasers between August 31, 2024, and December 31, 2024. Preorders are highly recommended.
Students are allowed to submit photos in either plain clothes or graduation attire. Both are acceptable. If a customer places an order but does not submit his or her photo by 11:59pm EST on June 15, 2024, he or she will be featured in a forthcoming issue. All 2024 graduates will be featured in both our digital and print editions. The cost to be featured in our print and digital editions is $39.99.
Print orders can only be ordered through June 15, 2024, at 11:59pm Eastern Standard Time. Print orders will be shipped on or before August 31, 2024. Digital orders can be ordered between now and December 31, 2024, and will be emailed to purchasers starting August 31, 2024, through December 31, 2024. Shipping is free for all print orders shipped in the United States. There is a minimum cost for ordered shipped internationally.
We look forward to featuring you in Graduation-in-Print 2024. Your family members, as well of yourself, will appreciate this special keepsake in our special edition of Graduation-in-Print 2024.
Students in the Class of 2024 deserve a special kind of celebration. These resilient students experienced success during a world crisis. They are magazine worthy!
Congratulations to the Class of 2024! This is a great accomplishment! Thank you for allowing us to be a part of this worthy opportunity!
Get featured! This is a great opportunity! Additional questions should be emailed to us at corporateheadquarters@newyorkworldwide.com.
The New York- based parent company, DRE Corporation® is the owner of New York Worldwide Group Corporation®, which owns 14 New York-based companies, which includes but is not limited to New York Worldwide Publishers®, Worldwide Publishers®, New York Worldwide Fashion Magazine®, aka New York Fashion Magazine®, New York Worldwide Christian Publishers®, New York Worldwide Educational Publishers®, New York Worldwide Hair Magazine®, aka New York Hair Magazine®, New York Worldwide Magazine®, Single Lady Magazine™, Worldwide Christian Entertainment®, Worldwide Christian Entertainment Magazine®, Men and Women of Faith Magazine®, New York Worldwide Newspaper™, New York City Worldwide Magazine® and New York Worldwide Productions®. Our primary address is 99 Wall Street, New York, NY 10005. Prior to that, for that past 18 years, our primary address was 40 Wall Street, New York, NY 10005. Our primary telephone numbers are 212-692-0000 (212-NYC-0000) and 212-480-0000 (212--IT0-0000).
Purchase the perfect gift of memory by purchasing both the digital and print editions of New York Worldwide Publishers® Graduate-in-Print and Graduation-in-Print. It is a gift of a lifetime.
Enjoy the celebration along with 2024 graduates worldwide.
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